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Monday, December 29, 2014

Meditative Blogs

If you are like me, and countless others, when you feel lost or restless, you may find yourself surfing the web.  My husband, he likes channel surfing the television with the remote control.  But that is not really my cup of tea.   I prefer to waste countless minutes (hours…) online in a quasi-vegetable-like state going from website to website looking for god-knows-what- please note the sarcasm!

I really don’t do this often.  I don’t have time to do it often.  But, undoubtedly sometimes I do go right down the internet rabbit hole.  This may sound strange coming from someone who writes a blog.  And as I write this, I would have to agree.  Alas, here we are…

But I have found some websites, specifically blog sites, that I can go to if I must be online.  If I must get my fix. In fact, just today I finished a post called “Meditation Yields Joy,” and then turned to Buddhist teacher and writer Jack Kornfield’s blog only to see him write nearly the very same sentiment just this month: “The aim of spiritual life is to awaken a joyful freedom, a benevolent and compassionate heart in spite of everything.”

So I picked several blog sites here that you may like too.  All are quality reading material.  Many of them “the greats,” in my humble opinion, who contribute to our meditation community through their wise words put to, not paper anymore, but techno-space.

1.)    Tara Brach: Buddhist teacher, writer, psychotherapist
2.)    Stephen Cope: Scholar in Residence at Kripalu, writer, psychotherapist
3.)    Dani Shapiro: Writer
4.)    Jack Kornfield: Leading western Buddhist teacher and writer
5.)    Sharon Salzberg: Leading western Buddhist teacher and writer
6.)    Brother David Steindl-Rast: Not a blog, but has many articles and word of the day
7.)    On-Being NPR Radio Show: Blogs written by host Krista Tippet and her staff
8.)    Unitarian Universalist Association: a Round-up of UU-friendly bloggers
9.)    Sylvia Boorstein: Not a blog, but does have many of her articles on Buddhism
10.) Karen Maezen-Miller: Mother, Zen Priest, Author of 3 books
11.) Kate Braestrup: UU minister and Author

This list is in no particular order, and I’m sure there are many others.  If you have other blog sites you would recommend to me and others, please forward them on!  Some folks use Facebook and Twitter to get some guidance from their favorite gurus, but I find those sites too slippery to navigate, and instead stick to blogs. 

Happy reading!

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