Like any good psychotherapist,
I love the overly-used caterpillar-
to-chrysalis-to-butterfly metaphor to convey the beauty, process
and possibility of transformation.
(photo, Summer, 2017, upper state New York)However, it wasn’t until about a year ago that I learned a little bit more about that in-between place called the chrysalis (or cocoon) where the insect is neither caterpillar nor butterfly, but rather mush.
That’s right. Mush.
Or, as a Scientific American magazine
journalist described it in a 2012 online article titled “How Does a Caterpillar Turn into a Butterfly?”: “Ooze.”
…The caterpillar digests itself,
releasing enzymes to dissolve all of its tissues. If you were to cut open a
cocoon or chrysalis at just the right time, caterpillar soup would ooze out.
I’ve been there.
But you know what the truth
is? I’ve been there.
I’ve been in that in-between
place when something I was once so
sure of in myself or in my life has dissolved
into an unformed something that I can no longer recognize, but has not yet formed into something new
and unexpected.
And I must admit, in this in-between time, the possibility
of me just totally spilling out into a puddle on the floor has felt really real because the in-between
place is a tricky and uncertain place
to transition through.
Where, if not for the hyper-structure
of my day-to-day life as a working mom--like the structure and safety of a
cocoon--I too might have just “oozed out” with even the slightest pin prick to the
delicate casing that surrounded me.
To which, looking back now, I have to say: Respect.
Because the in-between place may not be pretty, but it is part of the journey.
For you and for me.
So the next time you find yourself in a close encounter in nature with a caterpillar, a butterfly, or maybe
if you are lucky enough, a cocoon or chrysalis hanging from the branch of a
tree, you can add another layer of complexity or nuance into that metaphor of all metaphors that symbolizes
the miraculous process we call transformation; a humble in-between place
when we are nothing more than ooze.
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