I can't tell you what joy it brings me each and every time I see the bounty that mother nature creates each summer in this tiny backyard vegetable garden.
Even though I know in my reasonable mind that it is the perfect algorithm of sun, water, soil, seeds, and photosynthesis that allows a vegetable to grow, I still get so giddy and excited to see all the dark reds, oranges and greens because it feels somehow magical.
I think that "magical" feel is because I do little to nothing to help this garden, and being the human-centric control-freak that I am, somehow that feels impossible to be true.
I am not someone with a "green thumb," and I'm fortunate that I do not rely upon my garden for my sole food source- or unfortunate I suppose depending on your perspective.
And so when I find the time to weed the garden, or remember to water it when it has not rained in a few days, or I am able to get some organic fertilizer in there, it is actually just a bonus.
This combination of factors makes my vegetable garden feel like the grace of earth science.
What's more, the joy extends into generosity beyond me and my family because the abundance is so great, that I am able to bring vegetables and herbs to friends, family and coworkers.
I never knew the act of giving away vegetables and watching others receive home-grown vegetables could be such a delightful spiritual practice.
As someone who often operates from the restrictive mind state of scarcity purely based out of longstanding habit, the opportunity to live from a mind state of abundance has felt quite freeing.
Perhaps next summer you may try this spiritual practice as well! And enjoy.
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