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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Poetry 145: Dear Voyager

“The untold want, by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.” 

~Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass 

Dear Voyager

Dear Voyager,
here is your

It will begin
with birth,
and will end
with death.

The goal,
is to leave
this sliver of
the universe
a little better
than you found it.

At the gate,
you, the Seeker,
will receive
four tools
to assist you
on your journey.

A body
to move in.

A mind
to think in.

A heart
to feel in.

And a soul
to intuit through.

Likewise, you will
receive guides
along the Way
who will
offer their love 
for free.
You must, however,
use a critical eye, 
for the Monsters
are easily confused
for the helpers.

(They all look
the same you know.)

While you travel,
you will be required
to care for others 
along the Way-
even carry them
at times.

Fear not,
this will not
take away from
your endeavor.

In fact,
it is the others
who will sustain 
this quest 
with an infusion 
of purpose.

Yet, you should know,
there will be
moments of
sheer, exhaustible
And confusion.

Thoughtfully handled,
these moments
will make you
stronger. Wiser.
Mishandled, they
will be your

You will spend weeks,
and even years
lost in the wilderness.

Those will be very
dark times.

And when
the path
reveals itself again,
it will feel like a miracle.

But remember,
you will not
be alone
in this pursuit.

I will be
with you
every step
of the Way.

Though I will not
interfere. Or comment.
I will not judge,
or assist,
my presence
will be felt,
if you care to,
every time you
pause for
one full breath.

Long enough to
from whence you came,
and to where you will

At the end, it
will feel like the
And when you
return, you will
take nothing
with you

All you will
leave, is


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