My first blog ever. Super excited. I have thought about doing this for a very long time, but fear has always gotten in my way. Actually, fear has gotten in the way of lots of things...but that is another topic for another time.
Tonight I went out with my husband on a date night. Our 5 year old son and 9 month old daughter stayed with his parents while we went out to our favorite dinner theater place. Now, you may be thinking, "dinner theater? How old is this woman?" Well, I'm 37, and no blue hair yet. But I have seemed to have always run with the older crowd. As in, much older. Like, nearly geriatric. I know, it's weird. So it is though. So our date night was bound to be no exception.
Tonight the movie was Chef and the dinner was a fabulous, as always, eggplant sandwich.
I really liked this movie. First off, I love any movie with close up, long held camera shots of food. And I'm not even a foodie. I just think movies with sequencing of food and cooking is truly beautiful. But what I enjoyed even more in this particular movie was the storyline of a regular flawed human being who made the journey back to himself. A journey of a well established and seasoned, but quite unsatisfied chef who allowed himself to take a figurative and literal trip back to his culinary beginnings to where all of his lost joy had been just sitting there waiting patiently for him to return.
I love stories that remind us that even when we lose our way, we can always find our way home. But what always gets me is, when we do, when I do, find our way back to ourselves, we are still surprised each and every time that the journey home takes us full circle. And it is the process of the returning that I get a new piece of insight and discovery into this at times confusing life. And the end result is always so simple. So clear. So obvious.
I swear sometimes I just marvel at how painfully slow I feel my learning curve seems to be for all this wisdom stuff...I thank god that she is so incredibly patient with me.
On the way home from the movie and dinner I asked my husband to do me a favor and google T.S. Eliot because I was driving at the time. He humored me and looked up the quote below that is incredibly over quoted, but dammit if it doesn't just fit the theme of this movie perfectly. Well, I'll let you be the judge:
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
That is a hero's journey. The ordinary humanistic process of continually coming back to our true nature. To the way god created us. That we, I, are completely surprised by each and every time. So here's to the next time. I salute you.